
Unpredictable Radio

WITT is a Community Radio station servicing Central Indiana.

WITT’s signal covers the communities of Carmel, Fishers, Zionsville, Brownsburg, Lebanon.

A complete listing of songs played for all shows! 


Why Support Community Radio


Compared to Public Radio, Community Radio is more localized and represents the diverse interests and concerns of the community where it is located. It is run entirely by volunteers, and provides unparalleled access to the studio via diverse programming. WITT features an eclectic mix of music which distinguishes it from any other radio station in Central Indiana.

  • Listen. On the Internet or on your wireless.

  • Support. Your one time or recurring donations keep us alive.

  • Underwrite. We can work together to support one another.

  • Volunteer. There is always space for you.

It is our listeners that allows 91.9 WITT to stay unique and unpredictable. Thank you for all of your support.


Something for Everyone


There are programs for kids, public affairs, world news, musicologists. Check out our schedule so you know when to tune in for your favorite programs. WITT even turns the microphone over to you! Sound exciting? Well it is!

A complete listing of songs played for each show: 

WITT’s “Unpredictable Playlist” is heard except during:


Noon “Rock N Rhythm Revue” — Matt Masters

12:30pm “Open Air”


9am "The Theme Show" — Joel

6pm "Rocking in the Days of Confusion" — The Hermit

7pm "Indiana Nocturne" — Russ Dodge; John Rabold


7:40, 11:40, 5:40 "Hightower Lowdown" — Jim Hightower commentary

8:40, 1:40, 6:40 "Kristen Dreyer-Kramer — movie and book reviews


7:40, 11:40, 5:40 "Hightower Lowdown" — Jim Hightower commentary

8:40, 1:40, 6:40 "Kristen Dreyer-Kramer — movie and book reviews

5pm "The Theme Show" [repeat] — Joel

7pm "Stuck in the Psychedelic Era" —The Hermit

9pm "Crossroads of Americana" — John Rabold


11am "Rachel's Funtime" — Rachel Sumner

11:30am "Science Unscripted" — Deutsche Welle

12pm "Deep Dive"— Nick Espinosa on Computer Security

1pm "Woodsongs" — Michael Johnathon

2pm "Crossroads of Americana" [repeat] — John Rabold

5pm "Joyride of Soul" — Eric Leucking

7pm "Flippin’ Bits" — Jerry Hill

9pm “WITT All Request Radio” — Rotating Cast of Characters

11pm "Indiana Nocturne" [repeat] — Russ Dodge; John Rabold


8pm "The Radio Museum" — Old Time Radio Shows

9pm "Indiana Issues" — Abdul Hakeem-Shabazz

10pm Zionsville Town Council Meetings [twice monthly]